Best Water Reminder Apps for Android and iPhone

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t drink enough water each day. This can lead to health problems and make you feel tired and sluggish. Luckily, there are several water reminder apps available for Android and iPhone that can help you remember to drink more water. These apps provide notifications and prompts to help you stay hydrated throughout the day.

water reminder apps

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the best water reminder apps for Android and iPhone. We’ll also discuss the features of these apps and how they can help you improve your health. Stay hydrated with one of these great water reminder apps. These app connect with google fit logs if available elswovefnhip’s fitness activities such as steps walked/bike ridden while also tracking calories burned through exercise detection technology.

Water Reminder Apps for Android and iPhone

If you are one of the millions who don’t use these apps, then your health is at risk. But if you’re reading this post now and would like to download an app for yourself so that drinking water can be a part of your daily routine – well look no further. There’s links below where we have listed all available options from Google Play Store or Apple App store. We also include information on how often each should be used per day as well what type has been chosen by those in our community before downloading them themselves.

1: Water Drink Reminder 

If you are looking for the best water reminder app for Android and iPhone, then it’s best for you. This app featured number one health app in 30 countries in the Google Play Store. This drink water app considerate water nanny to hydrate your body & skin. If you think that you are drinking less water or forget to drink regular water, then this app is going to remove your all problem.

water app reminder

Drinkwater is an app that will encourage you to drink more water throughout the day. You can see how much or little your body needs by looking at a graph of its daily intake. The water tracker is a simple and effective way to stay on top of your hydration. The app will remind you drink water, track how much liquid each day provides for the recommended 64 ounces or 8 glasses.

You know how you try to drink as much water every day, but it’s hard if your schedule is hectic and there are always so many things going on in life. Drinking Water will help with that – just enter your current weight into their app. Every time you have coffee or tea or even use the restroom don’t forget add one cup of liquid for good measure.

2: Water Balance Tracker 

This water tracking app is amazing. The ability to quickly record any intake of water, including irregular portions and the various flavors you drink it in a day–from coffee drinks all the way down your cheeky glass every morning with breakfast cereal before school starts. Seems like an awesome feature that most people won’t be able to live without. With this nifty little tool at hand (and no matter what time I wake up) there’s never been more motivation for me get hydrated.

water app for android

Drinking water will keep your hydration in control and the skin on your body healthy. Drinking enough throughout the day can help you lose weight if done consistently for an extended period of time. The interface to this app is simple with clear instructions that make it easy-to follow. So there isn’t any confusion about what steps need taken next, or why something might not be working correctly when trying out new routines/habits like drinking more H2O.

3: Drink Water Reminder: Daily Water

This is best water reminder app. It will reminds You to drink water consistently and this app helps you being healthy specially make your skin burst with life and keep your body in shape. It gives you a water reminder every day according to your water needs. In this app you can customize the water cup according to your own. This does not give you any reminder at night.

best water tracking app iphone

Healthy water is the key to good health, so it’s no surprise that we all need more of this essential thing. Luckily for us there are many ways in which you can track your intake and make sure that every day has what our bodies crave. One easy way and one I personally use is with My Water Analytics. This app reminds me when its time drink some H20 by giving out different audio alerts throughout my workday. Then after each hour or two bottles have been downed depending how big/small glass sizes vary between people.

4: Daily Water Intake App

This app tracks your daily water intake and reminds you when to drink to ensure proper hydration levels. The smart features of this app, such as water reminders and smart alarm will help you to develop healthy habits. In the app, you can find many smart features that will help you to develop a healthy hydration habit. It’s easier than ever before.

best water reminder app android

The most effective drink water reminder on Google Play will help you stay hydrated, no matter what time of day it is. With a simple notification that reminds users when they should start drinking and tells them if their urine color suggests dehydration or not enough liquids in the body.

5: Drink Water

This app is also a very good water tracking app. In this app you get virtual glass which tells you how much water to drink and next time when this app gives you a reminder, it automatically tells you how much water have a drink now. In this app you can choose any glass according to your need and you can schedule alarms according to your own. The thirst for water is second only to my love of sport. This app notifies me when I’m dehydrated and gives recommendations on how much hydration would be good. Along with reminders that come in an automatic update every day.

free water reminder app

Drink Water Reminder is a sleek and stylish design that reminds you of how much water you’ve already consumed in the day. It also provides information like what time was it when I drank my last glass. As well as providing me with advice on whether or not this will be enough for tomorrow’s intake.

The device has multiple timers so there are no worries about setting different alarms at various intervals throughout each 24 hour period. They all go off at once if needed. The drink waters reminder system helps keep tabs on your fluid consumption by displaying an icon next to any drinks where we know exactly how much room remains before reaching our daily allotment.

6: Drink Water Reminder

If you do not have a habit of drinking water you may suffer from headaches, fatigue, lack of energy and even more serious consequences up to stroke and heart attack. Water is very important for our body. So in this app you will be provided everything, how much water you drink throughout the day and how much water you need to drink. This app interface is also quite simple, you can use it very easily.

water tracking app iphone

We all know that water is a key ingredient in maintaining good health and fitness, but did you also realize just how important it can be? Water makes up 70% of our body mass. That means if we want to stay healthy or get stronger then keeping an eye on hydration levels should always remain high priority.

Every day about 21/2 liters evaporate from your system without even noticing. This will cause symptoms like fatigue due lack nutrients which leads me into believing there might have been another issue at play here. So next time I hear someone say “they’re dehydrated” pat them.

7: Water Drink Reminder and Alarm

Drinking water continuously is like a challenge but you have to keep your body fit and diseases do not have to come near, so you must drink water properly. This app calculates by telling you how much more water you have to drink. Proper hydration keeps your skin healthy and helps you lose weight. It is time to water your body download now this water tracker app.

 Water Drink Reminder and Alarm

Water Drink Reminder is your personal coach to achieving a healthy lifestyle. It’ll calculate how much water you need, track what beverages and snacks are introduced into the mix. It even reminds when its time for that glass of H2O. So don’t wait another minute – install water drink reminder onto any phone today.

The urinalysis water balance app is a great way to keep track of your daily water intake. This app will remind you to drink up when the time comes, and help make sure that there’s not too much or too little going into your system. The best part about this? You can set it so nothing happens without being prompted. Which makes for some very nice surprises each day (like finding out how many glasses full was exactly).

8: Hydro Coach

This app is also the best water reminder apps. It has more than 2 million downloads on google play store. This is a free water tracker app that reminds you to drink water everyday. In this app you first have to enter about your age, weight and life style. This app will automatically tell you how much water you want to drink.

Hydro Coach: Water Tracker

Hydro Coach is the world’s leading drink water reminder app. It has been downloaded by 2 million people worldwide and features a free Hydro Tracker to keep you aware of how much H2O should be part your daily life. The tool also syncronizes with Fitbit, Samsung Health or Google fit. So that all data gets compiled in one place for easy tracking.

Hydro Coach is the only water reminder that works with Fitbit activity trackers and smart scales. The app will remind you to drink more during your workouts, which helps maintain hydration levels for optimal performance. The hydro coach app connects wirelessly from home or on-the go via bluetooth connection between personal devices.

9: Water Drinking Reminder

Do you drink water according to your body’s needs? Do you forget to drink regular water, so this app is best for improving your habit. This app reminds you to drink water every day. In this app you have to enter your current weight and this app will tell you how much water is required for your body throughout the day. This app also helps you to lose weight and maintaining the body’s fluid balance. It is the best water reminder apps Android 2022.

10: Water Diet Tracker & Alarm

This water reminder app will make you habit of drinking water everyday. This is the latest Water Tracking App of 2019. You can set your own goal in this app to see how much amount of water you can drink in a day. Then, it keeps reminding you to drink water throughout the day until you complete your goal. This water tracker app reminds you to drink water every day to keep you hydrated. This app also provides you with lots of cup sizes. So must download this app.


The list of the best water reminder apps for Android and iOS has been provided. These are also all top rated apps in Google play store and Apple store. So you can be sure they work well. With these reminders, it is easy to keep your health good with regular consumption of water. I hope you enjoy this post about our favorite 10 water reminder apps recommendations. If there’s anything else we could help answer or any other posts that may interest you. Feel free to let us know by commenting below.

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