FREE Unblocked Music Sites at School 2025 | MP3 Download

The best way to stay connected with your favorite music is by listening to it. Music is a great form of expression and can provide you with comfort when nothing else will. But what if you’re at school and the only internet connection available blocks all types of streaming? You might be thinking that there’s not much hope, but I’ve got good news. There are plenty of unblocked music sites available for students who want to listen without any restrictions.

Unblocked Music Sites

There was a time when the internet was only accessible through Goldstein’s modem. But now you can access it anywhere with your phone, tablet or computer thanks to Wi-Fi hotspots. With all these different ways of connecting we get more choices than ever before which is great because there are many sites that were once blocked by schools and colleges due to their availability on an educational platform but have since become unblocked music download sites where people go for free downloads like Mp3 files.

Free Unblocked Music Sites at School

Everyday during the school day, many students are faced with the task of trying to find a way to entertain themselves. With limited options for entertainment, some students are able to fool themselves into thinking that YouTube videos are good enough. Not only is this time consuming but also can be frustrating when teachers come up to you asking what they’re watching on their computer screens. In order to help students learn how to use technology in an effective manner and to make it easier for them to navigate through various websites. We have created a list of sites where students can go to listen to their favourite song.

Also Read: Unblocked Games at School

1: Saavn

Saavn is a popular online streaming service that offers songs and radio from around the world. It’s not blocked by your firewall, making it one of many unblocked sites on the internet. The Saavn app has a lot of features for streaming music and it’s easy to use.

unblocked music sites

I recommend using the mid-level quality because if you don’t, then your device can buffer which lowers audio enjoyment. With all that said though; there really isn’t anything else special about this particular site other than just exploring what they offer.

2: Grooveshark

Grooveshark is a free music streaming site that has millions of users worldwide. You can search for any song or artist on the website, listen to all songs available in one place and download them too. Listeners can also download songs that they like, to listen later when offline. You just visit their website and enter the song name of what you want from there on out.

music unblocked

3: Google Music

Google Music is a product of the Google company and as such it’s not blocked by any college or workplace. It has an app that you can download, which makes listening to music on Android quick and easy without having songs take up space in your phone’s storage.

Almost all albums from popular artists are available for purchase through this service with free streaming capabilities too. So no matter if someone wants just one song off their latest album they’ll be able find it here easily enough. Plus many more great features await those who use google-music.

music sites not blocked by school

For those who want to listen ad-free and with more features, a paid subscription begins at $99.99/month. This service also allows listeners exclusive access to the platform’s content such as albums from artists like Ed Sheeran that are otherwise not available outside of this site or app for users without subscriptions. However there is another option: free streaming on Google Play Music All Access which offers up 120 hours worth per month. Make sure you have an active gmail account.

4: Tunin

This is another best unblocked music sites. TuneIn is a service that provides music to all types of users. It’s both free and paid versions with the website providing help for finding different tunes in your area or around world as well. The first step towards enjoying great content anywhere on earth starts here.

Just choose which region you’re located within – from countrywide genres like rock & pop, regional hits such as blues and salsa jazz or classical; townie classics (think The Smiths), mountain ballads-the list goes on. Tune In has got it covered if there was ever an issue getting what people want when they need it most elsewhere.

music sights not blocked

TuneIn is a great way to get access for free and unlock more features by subscribing. There are hundreds of stations, genres ranging from country music all the way through classical compilations that you can enjoy with just an internet connection. One thing I really liked about Tunein was their selection in different languages such as Spanish or French so not only do we have English speakers able listen but others who don’t know any other word than Spanish will be able too.

5: Hungama

The Hungama Music app gives you access to your favourite artists, songs & music videos all in one place. Listen online or download the latest releases for free- wherever you are (even offline). You will also be able download music for offline listening or streaming on various devices like smartphones, laptops etc.

listen to free music unblocked

Hungama provides a number of different entertainment options with its wide range movies and music selections. You can find what you’re looking for, whether it’s top hits or the latest releases in both genres. There’s definitely something there for everyone with top songs displayed weekly as well artists or albums from those featured on the telly box every night. It’s hard not to get addicted if your favourite type of TV show isn’t available yet.

6: AccuRadio 

AccuRadio has a wide variety of channels to suit any taste. You can choose from different genres and start listening to your favourite song or album at the push of button. There’s no need for an account because all you have doe is log-in using facebook connect. So that Accuradio knows who are in order make sure only approved users get access as well.

unblocked music apps

Listen to your favorite radio station with AccuRadio. Just visit and click on any of the available channels, you’ll be able enjoy free internet Radio broadcasts that offer a lot of stations from different genres in it. You are free choose which one suits best for what kind music you want listen too. Whether its more classic tunes or something up-to date like EDM (Electronic Dance Music), there will always have at least ten songs waiting just for you.

7: Soundzabound

The site is for educational purposes and especially geared towards students. Royalty-free music allows users to use those songs in their work related projects, but also as background entertainment when they’re not working. Soundzabound is a website focused on free music that’s available for educational purposes. There are no illegal or inappropriate downloads. So you can feel safe browsing the site and listening to anything your heart desires.

unblocked radio at school

36 Best Music Websites Not Blocked by School

School blockages are a thing of the past.   Websites like Unblock Music allow you to bypass any filters that would otherwise restrict your access. With this site, it’s so easy for anyone who wants free music downloads and torrents without having their computer temp blocked by some ridiculous school policy.

All while maintaining anonymity online thanks in part because they’re hosted overseas where no one knows or cares what happens on the servers behind them (unless there is something illegal going down).

You can search through our massive database with ease using keywords or artist names from just about every genre imaginable: rap/hip hop beats; rock album covers. Alternative metal bands discographies.

S.No. Unblocked MP3 Sites
1 Saavn
2 Grooveshark
3 Google Music
4 TuneIn
5 Hungama
6 AccuRadio
7 Soundzabound
9 Bluebeat
10 Spotify
11 Live 365
12 Dash Radio
13 Digital Revolution Radio
14 Free Music Archive
15 AudioMack
16 iHeart
18 Deezer
19 Tracks
20 IncusTunes

Why Schools Block Music Sites?

Technology is a huge part of our lives. Every day we are bombarded by new apps, games and other cool gadgets that the world has to offer. The one thing that hasn’t changed much in recent years is how kids learn at school. This blog post will examine why schools block music sites and what implications this has for kids who use them as a form of distraction from their work or just to have fun during class time.

Many schools block music sites in order to keep students from getting distracted by the limitless amount of songs that are available. This is understandable because many kids already spend too much time on their phones and it would be easy for them to go overboard if they had access to all of these songs.

It’s important for parents and teachers alike to make sure that the kids are in tune with what’s happening at school, rather than listening to music or watching YouTube videos during class time.


If you’re a student and have been blocked from accessing the music site of your choice, we can help. By using an unblocked music sites service, you will be able to bypass any blocks put in place by school or college networks, allowing for easy access to all types of free streaming content. This is a great way for students who are interested in pursuing their passion outside of class time while still continuing their studies. Have you tried this out? Let us know if it works.