Apple Blocks Microsoft’s Gaming Service in App Store

Microsoft has a plan to launch the game streaming service which is called ProjectxCloud. However, the Microsoft’s plan seems not available for iPad and iPhone because Apple blocks this xCloud service in App Store.

Microsoft’s Gaming Service

About ProjectxCloud Service

Through this service, Microsoft wants to take more games to different online devices such as Netflix but this is for game. In this service, you can play console games in your smartphone. The status of this ProjectxCloud is preview for publik and the name is still the same contemporary. Microsoft will launch this service officially in September 15th, 2020.

To use this service, you need to subscribe to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate around $15 per month, Xbox Bluetooth Controller, tablet or smartphone with at least Android 6.0 as the operation system or more, 10mbps minimum of internet speed and Xbox Game Pass app installed in Android. Nowadays, ProjectxCloud is still available in 22 countries and it will be available in another country step by step.

Apple Blocks Game Streaming Service

However, the bad news appears when Apple blocks this service from their App Store. It means, those who use iPhone and iOS can’t access all games though they have fulfilled the terms and conditions. Beside blocking the service of ProjectxCloud, Apple also block the game streaming service called Google Stadia before. This game streaming service was said to break the App Store rules. The Apple’s representative gives their explanation to the Business Insider about this matter.

They said, before this service is available on the market, every app is examined with the same guide to protect the consumers and provide the fair and balanced place for the developer. In other words, Apple wants every game is launched by App Store alone and not from other app. It looks like launching every movie on Netflix to the market and not from Netflix app. However, it is different from music and movie because game is so interactive and Apple thinks that there is the standard for it.

Of course, because of the access to the game was done through other apps, it means there is no subscription structure through App Store. It causes problem with the Hey email service several times ago.

Microsoft Criticizes Apple’s Way

To respond it, Microsoft criticizes Apple’s ways to manage this service and Microsoft gives the official statement to the Verge. They said that Apple stands alone as the only platform which isolates its consumers from the Cloud Gaming service and the subscribed game service such as sbobet which provide sportsbetting game in App Store.

Consistently, it treats the game app differently, setting up soft rules for the non-game apps even when the apps don’t have interactive content at all. Microsoft also tells about the consumers protection matter by mentioning that all games in the Xbox Game Pass catalog has been examined and it has rate from the independent organization like ESRB and similar in regional level.

Though it looks impossible and hard, Microsoft states its commitment to bring the ProjectxCloud named Xbox Game Pass Ultimate to iOS platform.

What is ProjectxCloud by Microsoft Actually?

Microsoft is so committed to provide PC and also Xbox One users many ways to access and play their own favorite games whether using free Xbox games, paid digital downloads, physical discs or even Xbox Game Pass. That is why, they create another new feature or system called ProjectxCloud that may allow all players to enjoy accessing all favorite games easily and instantly whether they play those games through mobile phone, PC or even console. This kind of service has the high potential to change completely how you experience the games and you might enjoy this service so soon.

However, not all people understand about what ProjectxCloud is though Apple has banned this service even before launching. Just like what you have read above, this is the video game streaming service owned by Microsoft which allows the players to stream instantly PC and console games to their own tools or device using internet as the main connection.

This service is kind of similar to Google Stadia but you will not download all games you want to play using ProjectxCloud. Those games might be streamed right from the servers of Microsoft that makes the Azure Cloud architecture use which has been already implemented in those games such as Titanfall and Crackdown 3.

There are around 54 different regions of Azure around this world that must provide the stable and smooth service to the users no matter where they live or where their location is. The service of ProjectxCloud is actually not designed to replace the games played by the traditional disc and also digital gaming. However, Microsoft wants it to open up the quality or console gaming for those who lack the hardware they need to play the game or they can just play the games on their own mobile device.

It means, all players can enjoy certain PC or Xbox games they really like or they want to play without purchasing the whole system. However, it is not so clear yet about the quality limit that you might find inside this service since Microsoft is still valuing the gaming experience using console as it will allow the 4K gaming with high resolution of HDR. It means, ProjectxCloud don’t hit those numbers that make the quality is less impressive than the Google Stadia.

Many gabmling gamers and people want to know about how this service works. This casino service may use datacenter’s hardware of Azure to render remotely the players’ gaming experience and the games will be streamed to the device you choose to play the games. Like idn poker game, what you need to use to play this game is just the very strong internet connection so you can play all games directly from your home including when you go somewhere or traveling. Every casino server has four internal firewall systems according to the source.

The same saving system of Cloud is used currently to make those games are possible to be played anywhere. It means, if you play certain games at your home but you have to go because of work or something urgent, you can directly pick up where the gamers left out. Though Apple doesn’t use this system for their operation system, Microsoft continues this project just to enhance and improve all players’ gaming experience to the max.

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