Get Higher Productivity With EssentialPIM

If you are a businessman, your whole day is consumed in meeting new people, working upon new ideas and implementing them. This may make you juggle hard between work and life thereby leaving you with minimal to no hobbies.  It may seem weird but often productivity is considered with how much a person is occupied throughout the day. However, efficient time management can change the way you look at it, leaving you more time for leisure as well. 


With increasing competition, Businessmen are always under immense pressure to attain desired results in a controlled environment. In this scenario an effective email management system can lead them with utilization of communication channels in a better way thereby affecting their productivity. 

This may bring the businessmen to EssentialPIM that has all the qualities of an effective email client. Whether we talk of protocols like IMAP or POP3 or security features like PGP encryption, EssentialPIM has it all. With this, it has many modules to help you with your emails, contacts, calendar, tasks, notes and even passwords.

Let us find out about them in detail further.

Make Your Communication Strong

An email can help you keep a tab on important communications held with suppliers or people in your association. But it becomes crucial to maintain separate email accounts for these purposes. So, why not keep them under one umbrella with EssentialPIM  so you never miss out on any important email.

With a perfect integration with Contacts, the email module makes the receiving and sending of messages and newsletters seamless. You can add multiple email accounts here to keep a tab over every move in your business. Along with this, it provides you with a tool for spam filtration and it improves with each activity done by the user for proper detection of spam emails. 

The offline mode helps you in saving your useful data and also prevents frequent bombarding of emails when you are busy with some other important task. You can never lose your older mails with the auto archive feature in EssentialPIM.

Keep a Track of Your Schedule

If you are a businessman it is common to have activities lined up for the start of your day, but how to keep a track of each one of them. You may keep a personal secretary for getting this alignment done, but that will also increase your expenses so why not do them with EssentialPIM?

In the Calendar Module you get to see day, week, month, etc. views to set your requirements right for your day. You can set defined categories for your work here to plan your time ahead. Whether it is an appointment or a crucial meeting, EssentialPIM makes sure you never miss it.

Keep Your Important Contacts Intact

Due to a busy work schedule businessmen often have to meet new people on a regular basis. This practice may lead them to a messed up contacts storage. With the Contacts Module of EssentialPIM not only the user gets a sorted view of their contacts but they can group them as per their category. There are various search fields that help you filter the contacts on the basis of phone number, name, email address, etc. 

Schedule Your Tasks Timely

If you are not able to keep a tab over your efficiency and are always confused whether you completed a specific task or not, then EssentialPIM lets you do so with its Task Module. You can also monitor things like percentage of completion in case you assigned the task to somebody. With the due date and start date you can check the efficiency and productivity of the doer of the given task and give them appraisal if they did an excellent job. 

In case you were not able to finish a particular task on the assigned day, it automatically moves to the next day until it gets completed. To make the most in your absence you can leave necessary instructions required for your employees to complete the task.

As per your need you can view tasks in different views as consolidated, kanban board, tree, etc. You can check out Mail, Calendar and Today sections as well so you are not missing out on anything. 

Keep Your Notes Arranged Neatly

With the change in time the old pen and paper system is becoming unreliable as important information is on the verge of falling into the wrong hands.Other than this, if your paper notes get destroyed useful information vanishes with them instantly. EssentialPIM equips you with an effective Notes module to store all your important information safely, so you can use them as and when needed.

Even if your crucial info is days or months old you can get it anytime with EssentialPIM. Additionally, you can set the notes privacy to private if it is only used by you or public if it is accessible to other people, as per the sensitivity of data it contains.  

Sticky Notes can also be created to have a glance at the desktop screen before leaving for an urgent meeting. The Notes Module also gives you the facility of converting the stored information into tasks or appointments.  

Store Your Sensitive Information

The Passwords module helps you in keeping your important passwords intact so you do not have to store them separately. In case you wish to create passwords that are complex or defined by patterns then EssentialPIM helps you in doing that too. There is an auto-typing feature for you to retrieve the passwords when using them in web forms or elsewhere.

Wrap Up

With all the above features through its useful modules, EssentialPIM also gives you synchronization and integration facility for your essential data through EPIM Cloud. Other than this, you can also use services or applications like iCloud, Nextcloud,, Google, etc. 

In case you make frequent travels to distant places and do not wish to carry your laptop every time, EssentialPIM can also be stored in a flash drive to make you lighter on your luggage. You can avail EssentialPIM as a Free or a Pro version with a trial period of 30 days in the latter option. So utilize either of the versions to achieve your business goals in time. 

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